Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm an L fan~

Yup. That's right~! I'm another L fan, or, more like, an L obsesser. He is a fetish of mine, *Blush* I do love all the Wammy Boys, but L is cutests~<33 I admit. He is just too cute with his dark-rimmed, pitch-black eyes and his slouch and the way he acts like a little boy! Ohhh~<3 PLUS, If you are what you eat, then L must be pretty sweet~! He only eats sweets...mostly short cake, though~! I mean, this guy has a HIGH metabolism, eh? Anyway, He's just too cute! (Fangirl giggle) I even have one-shots made and yaoi fanfics (LxBB Forever, baby~<3) And although they aren't my favorite pair, theres so much more LxLight, so i make do. So, be following for some of THAT action! -^^- OMIGOSH, I also has his cosplay, too! I'm excited about going to conventions dressed as him, so~! Hopefully, if I obtain pics, I shall upload them ASAP!
Oh, BTW, Here ya' go (Visual time!)~

<--- I'd tap that :P
OMG You better share, L! ---><---- His famous smile! Fangirls eat this up! (I know I do)~!
<--- MY Club~<3 No haters!

<--- From the Live Action (I've seen all 3)

<---- o3o Yummy!

I will eventually get this...

300$ ?!?!? Imma' have to save up...

Nendroid dolls are so cute! ^w^
<--- The funny phone scene, live action style!
<- Thats right *Drool* Take it off.... 8D
<- (Crawls into his lap and gives puppy eyes) Share? Pweeeze?

I Simply adore pictures, don't you? Well, flip through my pages, theres more then that! ;D

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